
4 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste At Home

As an active home cook and recipe developer, I make a conscious effort to reduce food waste on an everyday basis. But that wasn’t always the case. I’ve come a long way since my days of mindless grocery shopping, having zero concept of food storage and a fridge packed with goods that, more often than not, went bad before I got to them. For me, changing these habits meant making some smalls changes that turned into bigger ones in the long run. This epiphany came one fateful day a few years ago when I was living by myself in a cozy bachelor apartment. I was trying to book a summer holiday and realized I had little to no disposable income. Turns out, I spent far more on takeout than I did on actual groceries. And the groceries I did buy often went to waste. So, I started thinking about how I could save money by putting what I bought to use and preparing quick and healthy meals at home.