
Gluten Free Raspberry Clafoutis

Raspberry Clafoutis

I started typing this blog entry surrounded by the strong smell of freshly brewed coffee, the friendly buzz of people, & a few, rare minutes of “freedom” as one of my best friends entertains my youngest child, Grace. So very thankful to the friends who make this blog possible; because through their help, they enable me to keep on writing about food. They encourage me to not give up my day dream, which is actually a really easy & tempting thing to do some days.

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Speaking of day dreams… I could dream about this dessert ALL day long. Clafoutis is one of the very few desserts I could have for breakfast, lunch and dinner; and that’s no figure of speech. I love it with tea, coffee, cold almond milk; you name it. I enjoy it warm out of the oven or cold out of the fridge at night. It’s like pumpkin pie; some like it hot, some like it cold. It’s dense and rich, yet light and has so very few ingredients-you actually blink while looking at the recipe; thinking you may have missed something crucial. Making this will only steal 10 minutes of your time (the remaining 35 mins are just bake time= time to do something else). Trust me on this one, the best use of 10 mins in the kitchen, ever!

French Raspberry Clafoutis

It’s literally made of almond flour, eggs, vanilla, raspberries, whipping cream, cornstarch & coconut sugar. That’s it. It’s gluten free, paleo and can be turned into a vegan version by simply substituting the cup of whipping cream for a cup of coconut cream. As per the eggs, you could make your own chia seed or flax eggs. The chia seed jelly acts a nice binder. But I’ll be perfectly honest with you; this custard-like dessert doesn’t taste nearly as good sans real eggs. Truths need to be said. So go ahead, this is the best use of 5-10 mins in the kitchen, ever!

french clafoutis

Gluten Free Raspberry Clafoutis

  • Servings: 8
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  • 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2/3 cup of almond flour (almond meal)
  • 1/2 cup of coconut sugar (or raw brown sugar)
  • 1 cup of whipping cream (liquid form) OR 1 cup of coconut cream *not coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp of cornstarch
  • 1 cup of fresh raspberries (blueberries also work really well!)
  • mix of equal parts dusting sugar and arrowroot flour for dusting * I mix in arrowroot with my icing sugar to minimize the sugar content & nobodyyyy knows it!


  1. Turn the oven on to 375F & grease a pie dish (9 inch) or cake baking pan ( I use coconut oil or non-stick spray)
  2. Mix the dry ingredients together: almond flour, cornstarch, & coconut or brown sugar.
  3. Mix the wet ingredients together & give them a good whisk: vanilla, eggs, egg yolks & the whipping cream or coconut cream.
  4. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredient bowl & give them a good whisk until well integrated.
  5. Top with fresh raspberries & bake for about 30-35 minutes, all ovens vary. When it’s golden brown & puffs around the edges, it’s done. Let it cool off & gently dust with icing sugar/arrowroot mix. Enjoy!!

Clafoutis de Frambuesas Libre de Gluten

  • Servings: 8 porc
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  • 2 huevos
  • 2 yemas de huevo
  • 2/3 taza de harina de almendras (almond flour)
  • 2 cucharadas de maicena
  • 1 cucharada de extracto puro de vainilla
  • 1 taza de frambuesas
  • 1 taza de crema para batir o una lata de crema de coco *no leche de coco
  • 1/2 taza de azúcar de coco o azúcar morena


  1. Encender el horno a 375F y engrasar un molde para pastel. Se puede usar aceite de coco o mantequilla.
  2. Mezclar los ingredientes secos en un tazón: harina de almendras, azúcar de coco y maicena.
  3. Mezclar los ingredientes líquidos en otro tazón: huevos, yemas de huevo, vainilla, crema para batir o crema de coco.
  4. Integrar los ingredientes líquidos al de los ingredientes secos y mezclar bien hasta obtener una consistencia uniforme. Dejar caer sobre el molde de pastel ya engrasado.
  5. Ponerle las frambuesas encima, esparciéndolas lo mejor que se pueda. Hornear por 30-35 minutos, todos los hornos son diferentes. Cuando este dorado y las orillas hayan subido, ya esta listo. Dejarlo enfriar y dejar caer la mezcla de azúcar glaseada y harina de arrurruz como decoración. Que lo disfruten!!!


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