
Berries, Vanilla Bean, & Oat Crumble Smoothie


Am alive and well- (or so I like to think). I promise I have not thrown the written piece of my blog into long-standing oblivion. Writing is, and will always be, therapeutic for me. Sadly, today marks 5 weeks since the “grand deluge” (as I’ve come to refer to it) that drove us out of our house. We are still staying with relatives while we wait for repairs to restore our home. Word has it we may be able to move back home next weekend. I am trying not to get overly excited because “word” mostly gets it wrong these days. But yes, there is a faint glimmer of hope I may be able to wake up next Sunday and cook breakfast for my little tribe of four in my beloved & sunny yellow kitchen. Now wouldn’t that be nice?

That kitchen is currently piled sky-high with all our first floor furniture, while the hardwood floors are being replaced. After all is said and done, next weekend may feel like moving in all over again, except we now have two very active children in tow. But heck, you manage. The one thing parenthood teaches you right from the start is “perspective”. There’s so many other people that have it worst than you do and they manage- so why can’t you? I can and I will. That’s pretty much my mantra in life. It doesn’t solve problems, but it helps me overcome them. It’s been my mantra for a while, long before the children arrived.

So here’s a delicious smoothie I’ve been making on repeat in my new abode. It’s so delicious that even my husband will drink it, and he’s not a smoothie type-of-guy, like, at all. He said it tastes like soft-serve ice cream. That can only be a compliment, right? It’s sweet, but it has no refined sugars & it’s the first time I throw in vanilla beans into a smoothie, but definitely not the last. It’s like a berry-topped crème brulee sans the crunchy crystallized sugar top. If you can have smoothies that taste like dessert, nourish your body, satisfy that sweet tooth & help you reach your health goals: that can only be described as #winning.

Makes 1 Serving, You Will Need

  • 1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries or raspberries or both
  • 1/2 cup of vanilla coconut yogurt (I use YOSO)
  • 1/2 cup of coconut or almond milk * carrageenan free
  • 1 tablespoon of sunflower or almond butter for good fats
  • 1/3 cup of old-fashioned rolled oats for soluble fiber
  • 1 real vanilla bean OR 1 teaspoon of pure, organic vanilla extract


If you go for actual vanilla beans, you need to flatten out the bean with your thumb, cut the ends, slice it in half across the middle, and use a small spoon to vertically run it across the bean and scoop out the vanilla. Real vanilla takes this smoothie to a whole new level, I promise. I thought vanilla beans would somewhat resemble actual coffee beans, but they don’t. They look more like a green bean, in terms of size & length.

Blend all ingredients on “High” until desired consistency is obtained. For a milkshake like-feel, throw in some ice cubes and cut out the nut milk. Less liquid & more ice chunks, as well as using frozen fruit will get you there! Enjoy it!!

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