
Farmers Market Bounty: Ontario Cherries & Blue Curly Kale Smoothie

cherry kale

So we just stepped off the plane and are back from picturesque Cuba. It’s the largest island in the Caribbean Sea, and winds of change are finally blowing strong. Cuba has remained isolated from the rest of the world for over half a century; and the effects of this alienation are very palpable. Their cuisine, music, and even their use of the Spanish language remain rich with the little idiosyncrasies that make a culture distinctive & keep it alive & well.

If you follow my Instagram feed @thedishonhealthy, you might have enjoyed some trip pictures and that breathtakingly beautiful, pristine sea that greeted us every morning. The highlight of my trip was definitely watching the “Little Hands” make their way down to the ocean every morning, confidently wading into the water without looking back- the day full of promise. Children are fun & fearless; inhibitions are minimal at this age. I wish I had a little bit more of that, and I’ll continue to work hard to keep boosting their confidence. Because when you’re overflowing with confidence, you’re already two steps ahead of everyone else in the game.

So here’s the smoothie recipe I worked on before leaving, with fresh Ontario cherries from the East Lynn Farmers Market I go to every Thursday, paired with the curly blue kale I also picked up at the market. I added a mélange of other fruits (banana & pineapple) to contrast the blue kale; as I found it to be somewhat bitter when compared to traditional curly kale. But fret not, simply use regular curly kale on yours! That’s my honest recommendation. Blue curly kale is pretty, but it’s got a distinctive bitterness to it. But this smoothie is a nutritional powerhouse; I can’t even begin to list all the benefits and nutrients it contains. It’s the perfect blend of calcium, iron, healthy fats, antioxidants, fiber & potassium. I can’t think of a better way to nourish your body!

Makes 1 Large Glass or 2 Small Ones

  • 1 cup of fresh or frozen cherries (pitted)
  • 1 cup of fresh or frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1 cup of tightly packed curly kale
  • 1 very ripe frozen banana in slices
  • 1 cup of almond milk *Carrageenan free (You could also use water for a juice-like texture)
  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter (optional)

Blend on high until desired consistency is obtained. If you see it turn a bit of a murkier color, don’t despair- it’s the almond butter mixed with cherry & kale. It looks like a murky green, but tastes like a rainbow of flavors! if you want a thicker texture, blend on pulse and add 1/2 cup of ice cubes. Enjoy!!




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