
Chocolate Is Good For The Soul


Chocolate holds a really important place in my life. The more acquainted you get with this blog, the more obvious that will become. But I don’t mean dairy-paired, or “modified milk ingredients” type-of-chocolate. I mean pure, raw, unprocessed Mayan goodness. The chocolate the gods craved. I have discovered raw cacao and I will never turn to processed cocoa, again. That is a promise.

This smoothie is incredibly easy and quick to prepare. It has so very few ingredients, but it truly doesn’t need anymore. I am of the mentality that you don’t need to pile them on. I sometimes read recipes for smoothies that feel as if an entire pantry shelf went in it. This smoothie is free of refined white sugars, and has Medjool dates as a natural sweetener. Whenever that stubborn sweet tooth calls your name, here’s your go-to drink. It is rich, it is decadent, it’s delicious. And best of all, it’s made entirely with things that are good for you.

Makes 1 Smoothie- You Will Need:

  • 2 tablespoons of raw cacao
  • 1 ripe frozen banana sliced
  • 1 tablespoon of raw almond or hazelnut butter
  • 1 cup of coconut or almond milk (I like how this tastes with coconut milk) *carrageenan free
  • 2 pitted Medjool dates

Blend on “high” until desired consistency is obtained. I usually blend for at least 20 seconds to avoid frozen banana chunks at the bottom.


  • If dates are not your thing, you could sweeten with pure maple syrup. A tablespoon will do the trick. You could also opt for honey or raw agave, same measurement. Enjoy!!

*Carrageenan has been linked to cancer by some preliminary studies. I always ensure my non-dairy milk choice is carrageenan free.

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