
The Best Detox Green Smoothie

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We should all have a go-to detox drink. That wonderful elixir we turn to when we need to lose a pound or two of water weight. Days when we feel bloated, or our eating has gone slightly off track. Or simply days when we just need to feel we’re doing something intrinsically good for our bodies. This is a feel good drink. It tastes amazing, too. You will notice two very “unusual” ingredients compared to the rest of my smoothies: cucumber and celery.

Cucumber and celery stand as the holy grail for weight loss when it comes to juicing. They have natural diuretic properties and aid with water retention. Celery helps with constipation, inflammation, and helps turn your body’s PH into an alkaline state. In other words, it helps neutralize acidity. For the past two years, I’ve been relying on an old trick/tip to help alkalize my body first thing in the morning: I drink warm water with the juice of one freshly squeezed organic lemon. The health benefits of this little tip are endless, and it’s something I would greatly recommend as I’ve tried it long enough to see the impact, first-hand.

This green smoothie is full of amazing fruit and greens and will hopefully become a staple in your every day life. As I like to call it out to my friends: it’s a cup full of goodness!

Detox Green Smoothie

  • Servings: 1 large or 2 small smoothies
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  • 2-3 ripe kiwis, (sliced in half, peel on for nutrients)
  • 1 very ripe frozen banana sliced
  • 1 cup of tightly packed spinach
  • 1 cup of coconut or cashew or almond milk *carrageenan free
  • 1/2 a cucumber sliced and peeled
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut manna/ or coconut butter /or raw almond butter
  • 1 celery stalk


  • 1 tablespoon of raw agave, organic coconut nectar or raw honey for added sweetness
  • 1/3 cup of old fashioned rolled oats

Blend on “high” until desired consistency is obtained. Remember that if you do add the oats for that little soluble fiber kick, you need to blend a little longer than usual!

*Carrageenan has been linked to cancer by some preliminary studies. I always ensure my non-dairy milk choice is carrageenan free.

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